About the Course

The Project Committee Toolkit makes committee management learning easy and actionable, combining how-to learning with take-action tools.

  • Course Objectives

    We teach you how to use the 'committee concept process' to organize and lead successful committees that are more productive and less prone to conflict.

  • Course Contents

    The Toolkit is a self paced committee management learning program, containing multiple e-book lessons, videos, infographics, templates and more.

  • How to Enroll

    Just click on the blue button above to enroll (just $49). You get instant, lifetime access to all Toolkit components, with future updates included.

What is the 'committee concept process' and why do you need to learn it?

The 'committee concept process' is a way to organize, operate and lead more productive committees, with less conflict, and in a more timely and efficient manner.  When you enroll in the Project Committee Toolkit you will learn all the essential principles and steps, showing you how to streamline key organizational activities and quickly meet key goals and objectives.  As you can see from the curriculum list below, the Toolkit course covers all the elements you need to know, from how the process works, to the actual steps you can follow and deploy. Multiple topics are presented including crafting a committee mission, getting organized, selecting members and making meetings work.  And, you also get instant access to multiple template downloads you can use to create all the essential process plans and deliverables.

Enroll Now. Just $49

Start learning today with instant, lifetime access to all course components.

Toolkit Course Curriculum

When you enroll, you'll find 50+ learning components, including video presentations, e-book reference materials, charts, infographics, templates and more. And enrollment includes all future updates and additions to these components.

  • 1
    Welcome to the Toolkit
    • Welcome Message
    • The Big Picture Video Part 1: What is Fast Track Management? (No Audio)
    • The Big Picture Video Part 2: Introducing the Committee Concept Process (No Audio)
    • The Big Picture Fact Sheet (PDF)
  • 2
    The Concept Modules
    • Lesson Module 1 - Quick Start Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 2 - Keys to the Concept Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 3 - Committee Characteristics Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 4 - Committee Concept Process Video (No Audio)
    • Concept Modules Key Point Summary (PDF)
  • 3
    The Practices Modules
    • Lesson Module 1 - Process Origination Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 2 - Defining the Mission Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 3 - Forming the Structure Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 4 - Using Action Word Mapping Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 5 - Code of Conduct Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 6 - Committee Meetings Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 7 - Decision Making Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 8 - Committee Administration Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 9 - Committee Evaluation Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 10 - Committee Charter Video (No Audio)
  • 4
    Practices Reference Materials
    • Practices Modules Key Points Summary (PDF)
    • Action Word Glossary (PDF)
    • Committee Organization Infographic
    • Tools for Committee Action Infographic
    • Recipe for Meeting Agenda Productivity Infographic
  • 5
    The Steps Modules
    • Lesson Module 1 - Getting Ready to Act Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 2 - Process Workflows Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 3 - Member Selection Activities Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 4 - Onboarding Activities Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 5 - Meeting Management Activities Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 6 - Motion and Voting Activities Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 7 - Evaluation Activities Video (No Audio)
    • Lesson Module 8 - Committee Charter Activities Video (No Audio)
  • 6
    Steps Reference Materials
    • Committee Process Workbook (Spreadsheet Download)
    • Key Steps Summary - Process Workflow (PDF)
    • Key Steps Summary - Committee Member Selection (PDF)
    • Key Steps Summary - Committee Member Onboarding (PDF)
    • Key Steps Summary - Meeting Planning (PDF)
    • Key Steps Summary - Motions and Voting (PDF)
    • Key Steps Summary - Committee & Member Evaluation (PDF)
    • Committee Charter Checklist - Steps Module 8 (PDF)
    • Motion Form Checklist - Steps Module (6) PDF
    • Meeting Report Checklist - Steps Module 5
    • Report Card Checklist - Steps Module 7 (PDF)
  • 7
    Committee Template Downloads
    • Template Instructions
    • The Committee Charter Template (Word Format)
    • The Member Selection Form (Word Format)
    • The Motion Planning Form (Word Format)
    • Regular Meeting Agenda & Report (Word Format)
    • Special Meeting Agenda & Report (Word Format)
    • The Follow-Up Action Log (Word Format)
    • The Committee Report Card (Word Format)
    • The Member Report Card (Word Format)
  • 8
    Are You Ready to Begin?
    • Concept Knowledge Readiness Quiz
    • Practices Knowledge Readiness Quiz
    • Techniques and Tools Readiness Quiz
  • 9
    • Terms of Use
    • Privacy Policy

Not Ready to Enroll? Start for Free!

If you're not quite sure if the Toolkit course is right for you, you can try it out for free with the Project Committee Starter Course.

Ready for Toolkit Enrollment?

$49 Enrollment Fee. Lifetime Access. Updates Included.

Click to Enroll


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's inside the Project Committee Toolkit?

    You'll find 50+ learning components, including video presentations, e-book reference materials, infographics, charts, and document templates (in Microsoft Office Word format). You can download certain components for offline use as well.

  • What is the enrollment fee?

    The fee to enroll in the Project Committee Toolkit course is $49. The enrollment fee can be paid with most major credit and/or debit cards. Enrollment and payment processing is fully secure.

  • Does enrollment expire?

    No. The Toolkit enrollment fee provides lifetime access to all course components, including all future additions and updates at no additional charge. Course contents can be accessed from any internet connected device pursuant to the user license and terms of use.